Not only is the thought of my house being ruined weighing on my mind, but Friday I got a call from my co-worker who works in my department at the courthouse. I gave my supervisior my cell number to contact me to inform me as to what will happen after the hurricane. Apparently my supervisor did not give it to her immediated supervisor to let the rest of us know as to what is going on.
The Wed before the hurricane struck, there was a note taped on the time clock saying to watch the news & that would let us know what to do. So all the news is saying is that we cannot go back on the island. How am I going to goto work if I do not have the correct authority to do so?
Needless to say, my co-worker said that they are going to be laying people off because there is limited work to do. How is this our fault? Did we cause the hurricane? This is yet another burden that has been weighing me down. Can this year get any worse? How much can one human being take before they break down & scream ENOUGH?
Im sure smart ass comments will be posted in here, but for you little boys who live off your parents someone of us are adults & have to pay for our way through life.
Mentally I feel broken, I can't deal with anymore of this life changing shit.
Thanks to all of you who have called or texted me. Your words of encouragement mean alot at a time like this.