"Every one is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."

Age 42, Male

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Soon the Truth Will Come Out

Posted by Valz - February 6th, 2009

So this person who has been doing a poor job of trying to block their phone number off my phone has failed misrably. People say this person isn't capable of doing these things, but soon I will show the solid proof.

I am going to host the movies, images, emails, messages, texts, fraud, calls on my bills etc showing how full of shit this person is.

You know who you are. Be a man & admit that you're doing this bullshit & stop running to your mom for protection you little bitch. Be a man & admit that you have been harassing me & my family. Worse yet is him having his psycho mom call my mom yelling at her because she isn't aware of what her retard son does. Do I care if you masturbate 8 times a day? Do I care that you danced like some fucking freak on your web cam for me (WAS THE MOST DISTURBING THING EVER! IF YOU HAVE A CROOKED DICK DONT SHOW IT)?Do I care that you can't even stand up & piss like a man because of that extra skin you have that's painful? No. What I care about is you stop this fucking bullshit!!!

For those of you who are falling for his bullshit, you will soon see how fucked up he is. Not only has he admitted to me he needs help but my family as well. Even his mom said he needs help. I tired to be a good person & be there for this person. I felt sorry for him. Pity because he is pathetic. He can't even keep a girlfriend. Two of them ran off & thank god they did. The last 3 were internet connections that couldn't stand to be with him.

Oh it's all going to come out & when it does there are going to be some serious surprises.

The thing you fail to realize that once you start to lie, you have to keep lying to cover that lie. Soon you'll dig your own hole. You wanted to be friends I was cool with that, but you will not lie or trash me. I will not fucking allow that.

Your charade is going to come crashing down on you & all the people that you tell that I am coming after you will see how you are a fucking liar.

Before I was just going to leave & give up. Not now, you have enraged me to the point where I am going to defend myself & prove that you are a liar. End this now & admit what you've done.


Both of you are fucking internet freaks. I am sure that both of you have betrayed each other. What the naysayers are asking of you is for you to back up your claims.

You went to the cops? Good for you...

Give us the case numbers and quit wasting our time.

You will get your report. When you do you will apologize. I never did anything to him, but wanted to have room to breath from his constant smothering & clinging to me.

Now that he's out of my fucking life, he still fucking haunts me. I want him gone.

Hopefully he will drive home drunk & do alot of people a favor by leaving the face of the earth. He said he wanted to die once, maybe he can do this right.

Girrrll. What a freak! You really have to get this sorted. But I guess it's okay that you went to the cops as you needed to get rid of him in some way. Good luck!

How are you ever going to get over them if you cant stop trying to dig shit on them?

I wish I could call this teen angst, but apparently you are 26.

/me shakes head.

what an lol

And also yes. I second BBM. It may be hard to ignore them as they are always calling but just do your best.

If you were a real woman, you'd have enough emotional discipline to drop this.




"WAAH! My internet relationship was full of FAIL... WAAH!!!"

All your relationships are doomed to failure... because YOU'RE IN THEM!!!

hey do you wanna borrow my copy of the latest FHM mag it has a fitness special in it

LOL@ the truth. You say one thing and yet multiple other people, who aren't pathological liars, say another. I think I'll stick with them. And what's really sweet if they're basing it off their own experiences with you and not on the word of someone else.

You like to break the anatomy of lying down to a science. Perhaps because you are such an expert on it?

This guy really sounds like a freak.... Especially that which is in blod print.

"If you were a real woman, you'd have enough emotional discipline to drop this.




"WAAH! My internet relationship was full of FAIL... WAAH!!!"

All your relationships are doomed to failure... because YOU'RE IN THEM!!!"

That, my friends, is an ownage for the records. Seriously.

uhhhh..... im confused now...

Valz, I'm sorry you've had to go through a whole bunch of shit.
The future can only be brighter :D

I hope you can solve this without any furthur provocation by this person.

Hurr durr, and he has an NG account?

So, what's the username of this guy? Whatever happened?