After my first semester at U of H I was disappointed that I did not have a higher GPA.
Now that I am finally getting settled in my new place & Gizmo the wonder cat is adjusting to her new surroundings, things are slowing down for me.
I am now focusing on my photography. My Boudior photos have sparked some intrests & thanks to all of you who gave me positive feedback! So this summer I am heading back to NYC to meet up with some of the models I met during my trip to NYC. So in June hopefully I can meet up with some of the NG people I missed during the meet because I selfishly wanted to get my Canon 20D.
Hopefully once my Internet is hooked up I can start sharing some of my images, that is if you are 18 & older. To be fair to the younger members, I will post age appropriate images.
So two trips in the future & my Canon will take my mind off school for a bit.