After a long time I finally found someone who made me feel like a worthless whore & a over all pathetic excuse for a woman. I finally realized this & now don't care.
I used to think highly of myself , be healthy, fit motivated & over all happy. I finally met that one person that took that all away from me. I am not motivated about myself anymore, I feel like being a robot, just going through the motions. I used to love with all my heart, but I don't anymore. I am stoic, to the point & just not the old me.
2008 was the worse year of my life, I lost my health, I was hospitalized twice in 2008 possibly soon again, I lost my house during Hurricane Ike & have been nomadic, I have nothing to call my own. I want to give away all my possessions & just start over.
Maybe I am selfish for feeling this way, but last night it came to light that maybe I am just a worthless whore after all.
Maybe I was never a nice person to begin with, maybe I just fool people, maybe I am just a horrible horrible monster. I have no positive feelings about myself what so ever & will never feel anything good about myself ever again.
More to come as I think more.......
So now that I am at this new discovery about myself, it seems that I have upset people. The people who made me believe this are now angry at me for coming to this point. Is honestly not the best policy?
Hey now, no talking like that. You just have to try to remain positive.
Just remember, it's always darkest before the dawn. Things will get better, just give it a little time. :)
You are very sweet. I used to have that same outlook, but now I don't.
I have had all my self respect taken from me & don't think I'll ever feel good about myself ever again.